Sunday, June 10, 2018


There has to be a place for dogs in heaven. I mean, I believe even animals have a soul. They feel and they love so why wouldn't they have souls that wouldn't go to heaven?

My family lost one of our dogs today. Pocholo was an aspin. A breed typically found anywhere in the Philippines. I brought him home when a co-worker gave him to me. He was just a month old and my mother doubt that he would survive not having breastfed. He was so small. Just about the size of a large palm. It was my first time bringing home a dog. And it gave me a sense of responsibility. I have to take care of him because I brought him home. He bacame my instant son. But my work kept me from being with him everyday. So the responsibility of taking care of him was given to my father. My father was the one left in the house while we work so Pocholo was a blessing because he provided my father a diversion. And as the months passed, Pocholo became my brother. My mother loves him because he was also like a son to her. We love him. He was a friend, someone you know would be there barking to welcome you home. He has this habit of hugging us when we arrived home. And his eyes, I tell you, his eyes convey so much love for us it was like looking in the eyes of a human.

But then sickness came over him. He was a parvo survivor when he was a year old but he fought bravely and lived through it. About three weeks ago, he was inflicted by demodectic mange. He never had contact with any stray dogs. We never fed him any raw meat, fish or processed foods. We don't know on earth how did he acquire mange. We tried all known medications, organic and chemical, but mange is slowly taking him away. He lost appetite yesterday and today, I witnessed my brother, my son and my bestfriend as he drew his final breath. He suffered for an hour and all we could do was be with him. I will never forget his eyes. Though with ragged breathing, his eyes never lose the love in them. He locked eyes with me during the final moments. I knew he was trying to say goodbye. That he knew he's just minutes away from death and that he wanted to know that we'll be okay. I told him silently that it's going to be okay and that's when he slowly slipped away. He let out a whimper and took a very deep breath, the one he will never took again. He joined my sister in heaven. It was painful. So painful I don't know the words. We will miss that guy terribly. We will live the days missing that white, sweet, little man we lovingly called Pocholo.

I love you, Pocholo.

Tatay, Mama and Jannel loves you. We will always remember you. You were one of our best three years.

Run free, my love. I will see you again in rainbow bridge. 'Til then, sweet guy. 'Til then.

April 2016-June 11,2018

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