Monday, July 21, 2014


Somes says that things always make sense in the end. Well, these all makes sense now.

1. Sometimes it is not rainbow at the end of a storm, sometimes its fireworks. Literally.

2. Its okay to try new things. Seek your own adventure. When you find it good, you will be happy. When you not, at least you try.

3. Treasure your family. Say thank you to your parents for the things they've done and keep on doing. I just woke up one day realizing that Im blessed because of them. They're not perfect, but they were just what I needed. Love your sisters. Treat them as your best friends. I have come to despise television programs that depicts siblings as rivals for fucking wealth, attention and love. Holy crap! does their so called great directors ever knew what sacrifice and sharing means?

4. Remember: only strong ones forgive, it was a quality that seperates them from the weak.

5. I've experienced an overwhelming judgement and manipulation from the people who does not even know what my middle name is. I've learned through that that people have this nauseating tendency to drag others into the hell they're into. They will drag you more, if you let them.

6. The world is full of dumb people who speaks stupid things and thinks that they knew everything. You have to live with them though. Intelligent ones who mind their words are getting endangered now.

7. You are not alone. Many will make you feel like you are but do not listen to them. The world is inhabitated by those who think and feel like you do. I write. Not for my critics but for my people, so they will know they're not alone.

8. Read good books, not just entertaining ones. I have learned how to live on the pages of the books I read. Walk with the characters. See life as the authors do. I find it true that reading lets you have as many lifetimes as you want.

9. Trust the Lord. If you cannot trust Him then who else is left to trust? He is in control. Sometimes, things will seem like its not going to get any better but God is in the start and He he had already been in the finish line. Trust Him. He knows what He's doing.

10. In all cases, never ever disrecpect yourself. This has been the most liberating lesson I've learned the year round. Accept who you are. No one will do if you do not. Do what you want. Let them judge you, they cannot judge you enough. Let them rot in their own misery in knowing that you do what you want and that they cannot. Do not disrespect yourself by dancing in someone else music. Create your own music. And above all, do not live a life. Build you own life where others can live into.

I would gladly want to greet myself a happy birthday but Im still quite not sure if Im happy. But I find it a good thing, I can become very happy tomorrow if not today. :)))))

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