Saturday, June 14, 2014


Things change.

People kept changing.

The sun always rise and set at the same direction but not those whom it shines for.

You love her so much to the point that you think your heart will burst out but today, you just woke up hating the day you met her.

You lose your mom in a car accident a year ago. During those four months of grief, you were convince that you weren't fit to live in a world without her anymore. Two years had past now and as those suicidal thoughts visit you at night, you were suddenly afraid to die.

Being a mother of two kids, you watch them go to their first day of school. They were shrieking, calling your name and begging you not to leave them alone. Last night, your conversation with your first born was tough. He was informing you that he's getting married but you don't like the girl. He was just informing you. Your permission would not matter.

You knew her like forever. You swore to each other--bestfriends forever. She goes abroad three years ago to follow my dreams, she says. You folow yours. The communication between the both of you, during those years, were little. Last night, you see her at your alumni homecoming. Your eyes met hers, she gives you a smile. Only a smile.

Things keep changing.

Peole keep changing.

Nothing last forever. We all know this. But at the end of the day, we keep on seeing ourselves having the kind of forever we always want.

We keep on believing on things that time couldn't touch. But we're aware that we do not own anything.

How utterly sad is to realize that as long as there is time, there will always be change.

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