Sunday, May 15, 2016


All my life I have always believed that what you reap is what you sow. You smile to the world and the world will smile to you. Do to others what you want themto do to you.

I have keep those words close to me as I grow older. I have abandon some of the teachings that my parents and teachers taught me but not these golden rules. Everyday I go out in the world, those were the words I have in mind and those were what I use to interact with people. "Treat others fair, and they will treat you fair."

But everyday, the world seems to be doing its best to prove me wrong. It is an unfair world. Cruelty is a just reaction in a cruel this place.

You treat others with kindness just as you want others to treat you but some people just make you feel like you're the worst person they've ever knew existed. Yes, there are these days when people just don't feel like being kind and you have to accept it and understand them because maybe tomorrow they'll feel better and they will say nice things to you but... what about the damage you already received from the other day? What about the insults you already heard because people just feel bad about themselves and it's their way of coping with what they feel? Does everyone like me who still see the world as a good a place despite the fact that evil is here should just sit tight and accept that we are the ones who understand and therefore remain forgiving? I wonder how long would I still be kind after every hurt I received from the people around me. Words are weapons. If the cuts they give were only visible, maybe I'll walk around each day covered in bandages--still smiling like a fool.

The saying that humans can easily forgot that others are human too hasn't struck me hard before as it is now. The world is full of motherfucking bastards who easily forgot that what hurts them can also hurt others. That the same words that can humiliate them can also humiliate others. The world has its way of making you one of its own, and if you're not careful, you will one day wake up believing that you are better than anyone else. You will forget the old sayings about being kind. You will find your heart as cold as a desert at night and before you know it, you are already looking in the mirror and see that the person looking back at you became the person you once hated most.

But there is hope for us.

We can remain the person we want to be by always, always being who we are. Treat others like you want them to treat you. Be fair with no exception but keep in mind that this world isn't and never expect it to be. Forgive them. Every day, wake up, breath deeply and tell yourself that strength and power isn't measured by how high you are above others but how you remain true to who you are after all the cuts you received from every fucking assholes you encounter yesterday. Be gentle, Believe in all things good. Make the world a better place.  Yes, no one will build a statue for you, give you an Oscar's for being the kindest person ever walk this earth or cannonize you and name you a saint, but at least, you will die yourself. The world and its people will fail making you one of its own. You will die with a smile in your face knowing that you defeated the world. And I guess there is no way of dying I will wish other than that.

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