Monday, January 2, 2017


Maybe maturity is when you realize that it doesn't have to be new year for you to change but I still think that listing down your new year's resolution is a good start, a sign that you decide that you'll change--- for the better. I believe it's important to write down things. We are creatures quick to forget and we need to be reminded from time to time. Sometimes, from ourselves.

Here's my new year's resolution for 2017.

I promise to take care of myself more. I was my laziest during 2016. I ate a lot fastfoods, junkfoods and drank cups and cups of coffee and soda. I slept without washing my face and brushing my teeth. I don't workout. I was a fool to believe that my body can take so much junks and still remain healthy. Thus I suffer from constant stomach ache and facial acne. I promise to start a healthy lifestyle. I'll cut off coffee from my daily routine. I'll eat fruits again. And I'll exercise.

I promise to protect myself from toxic people. 2016 introduced me to people that I thought would be good for me. I failed to listen to that soft voice warning me that people who talk behind your back are toxic. I allowed some of them to ruin me. It won't happen again. Not because they share the same hobby, workplace or name with you means they understand you.  These people suck out life energy. They drag others to the same mud they were. I won't have this in«» my life again.

I promise to love and take care of my family more. Family is important. They share the same blood, the same name and the same burden. It's funny how my relatives doesn't even know me really but I know I'll always have them to back me up. No matter what it is. My family will always be there, as I will be to them.

I promise to invest in memories and dreams. I will enjoy moments more, knowing that I wouldn't be as young as I am now. I'm starting to die and I don't have any plans of staying on the same ground for long. I will study again this year. I will write my book. I will read more books and watch more movies. I will still go to conventions and experience my fandoms. I would love to meet more of the celebrities I enjoy watching. I will compliment others more and I promise to talk less shits. I want others to know me again as someone who talks only when  necessary--- that I've lost because I've said too many bullshits to worthless people. But I will write more. I will write everything I want to remember.

I promise to lessen proscratination. That, I will figure how.

I will love myself more so I can love others more.

I will go back praying and worshipping God. He's unchanging. I know He'll help me make things work out again for us.

I will do all this and write about how I conquer myself at the end of 2017. That is how we grow anyway, right? By conquering ourselves. By pushing through what we think is our limit. That is how we grow and become who we really are. I like to know who am I really.

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