Wednesday, May 14, 2014


We are what we are because we are made out of many reasons.

We are often defined by who are our parents, labeled by the society through our diplomas and ranked by our income.

We are our childhood experiences, our defeats and our victories.

We are our choices and the consequences of each decisions we made.

We are what the church says we are; a child of God, created in His image, made to be loved and what the science says; a product of evolution.

We are what we says, what we eat, what we wear, what we read, what we watch and what we listens to.

We are what scares us, what makes us smile, angers us and what bring us to tears.

We are every single day we live, and every single day we begins to die. We are our emptiness and our fullfilments.

We are how we treat others and how others treat us. We are what we reap because of what we sow.

We are all of these reasons, yet I can't help but wonder, who are we going to be if we come to wake up one day and somebody had taken all these reasons away.

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